Flint Oak offers an incredible fishing experience that parallels all other qualities of the ranch.
From the avid angler to the extreme beginner, we have the guides and equipment to satisfy all
skill levels. We offer guided fishing trips on our scenic Indian Lake, as well as non-guided fishing
trips on Center Lake and West Lake, with each lake giving you opportunity to land a trophy
wiper or largemouth bass. In addition, Indian Creek and the Duck Pond offer great bank fishing
for bass, crappie and catfish.
Fishing at Flint Oak

Indian Lake
Indian Lake is our fully stocked 100-acre trophy lake, on which you can experience the excitement of landing a lunker of a lifetime during your 3 hour fully guided trip. The lake is stocked with largemouth bass, wipers and blue cats. Standing timber creates great habitat and unique character. Over nine-pound bass, as well as 18-pound wipers have been caught on this beautiful lake!
Trophy Lake
West Lake offers great fishing with peace and quiet. Equipped with a comfortable bass boat, only a party of two is allowed to fish West Lake at a time, giving you an abundance of privacy. You have your choice of non-guided fishing in the morning, sunrise until 12:00 noon, or afternoon, 1:00 pm until dusk – or 5:00 pm on Sunday.
West Lake

Center Lake
Center Lake gives you the opportunity to catch largemouth bass, wipers, crappie, catfish and lots of baitfish. We have rental boats available so you can navigate the scenic, clean, easy fishing Center Lake offers. In addition to fishing, it has four sandy beaches for camping and picnics, and easy access to the Pioneer Trail for bird watching or hiking.